Exaudiat Dominus V Det vobis cor

Feast: Dominicæ mensis Octobris

Office_part: re

Cantus ID: 006687


My proposal :

Proposals :

Submitted by: sandhofe

image build failed or ongoing

Submitted by: dcrochu

image build failed or ongoing

Source: CH-SGs 391, 220

NABC transcribed from the source
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Latest comments:
Gregofacsimil avec NABC
Submitted by: marteo

image build failed or ongoing

Source: CH-SGs 391, 220

NABC transcribed from the source
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Latest comments:
GFS (dcrochu's version as of 22/08/2023) + rsigns + slight neume change on e-JUS in verse, following the source. Verse is modern with neumes from the source.
TODO : ql-ppt1sut2su1 is in the ms verse (different from the modern verse), but does not exist in NABC yet. Add it, or use synthetic NABC instead of the ms's verse neumes, and fix the square notes accordingly.