Feast: Infra et post Octavam Ascensionis
Office_part: re
Cantus ID: 007651
Status: REVIEWED --- 0 comparative tables
R/ and V/: restitution on FCo2, PL-Wru401, A-Wu1799, Milan NAL1411, Vat.8737, Marseille LAT1090, Paris LAT15181, St.Maur LAT12044. See critical table in the NR digital archive.
Replaced alleluia with a very slightly different one (but fundamentally the same) from H as found in P0F5R2
Changed height from la to si in ET quae (verse) out of consistency with others RR/
Gregofacsimil cum NABC
• Plusieurs formules communes au répons Congratulamini mihi (P0F5R2). • Restitution à partir des mss E-Tc Ms 44-1/86r et 44-2/108v • Verset retouché
Minores NABC emendationes effeci