Feast: Dominica de Passione
Office_part: re
Cantus ID: 007497
dcrochu as of 30/04/2024, but with several modifications. The Roman textual variants are attested in I_Af_Ms_0694 and D_Mbs_Clm_17003: these were followed for the Roman textual variants in order to fit the Roman text: "lacrymabilem" -> "lacrimarum", "iniquus"->"propinquus", "decepit me"->"incessit in me". Also fixed incoherent synthetic NABC.
LRT corrections by dcrochu.
Gregofacsimil cum NABC
Require: https://gregorian-chant.ning.com/group/restitutions_melodiques/forum/topics/le-repons-quis-dabit-capiti-meo