Style guide | Code typographique

Use of special characters

Intonation shall be marked with <sp>*</sp>. If it falls on a bar, it should be typeset on the bar: e.g. <sp>*</sp>(,)

Repetition shall be marked with <sp>+</sp> for responsories, and <sp>*</sp> for invitatories. If the relevant sign falls on a bar, it shall be typeset after the bar: FirstPart (;) <sp>+</sp> SecondPart ()

Verses shall be marked with <sp>V/</sp> after double bars : EndRespond (::) <sp>V/</sp> BeginVerse() - note that there should not be a dot after the special char: it is embedded into the definition of <sp>V/</sp>.

When the entire respond is to be repeated, this shall be indicated with <sp>R/</sp> instead of a dagger.

<sp>‡</sp> can also be used to represent a second repetition in responsories, or, at the end of an antiphon (or its incipit on semidouble days), to signal the absence of repetition of the first verse of the psalm when its text matches the antiphon.

Repetition of the respond

At present, only the first word of the respond is to be given in GABC. This may evolve in the future (to no words at all) if we differentiate responds and verses.

Ligatures and accentuation

Ligatures æ and œ shall be used whenever fitting. Cases where the vowels are separated should be indicated with aë, oë. Accents must be typeset on words of three syllables or more, and only on them, including accented æ and œ, for which <sp>'ae</sp> and <sp>'oe</sp> may be used.

Capitalization of the first syllable

All scores shall begin with an uppercase letter, and only one (it may be Æ). The first syllable is not fully capitalized.

Spaces before punctuation

LaTeX will insert thin unbreakable spaces before all double punctuation marks (?!;:). It is recommended that contributors do not insert this space themselves, but this is not a requirement.

Rules for hymns

No asterisk after the first sentence - it is assumed the chorister will know when to join in.

Capitalization of all sentences.

Verses, except the first one, shall be numbered with colored letters, thus: <c>2.</c>

Rules for antiphons

EUOUAE shall be given according to this model: PieceEnd (::) <eu>E(h) U(h) O(h) U(h) A(h) E.(h) </eu>(::)

On the word Alleluia

It shall be written Allelúia, even though the letter J is used for the consonant I in all other words. The letters IA should be centered together on the note, like so: Al()le()lú(){ia}()

Hyphenation rules

The following rules are provisional, pending definitive consensus of the editorial committee.

In general groups of two consonants are hyphenated through the middle.

The group "ST" is not hyphenated unless the two letters belong to different etymological groups within the word: abs-tergo, abs-tollo, abs-tinentia, os-tende, os-tium, dis-tensa.

The group "SP" is not hyphenated, except to heed the etymology, as in dis-persit, dis-pone, etc.

The group "CT" is not hyphenated in the word san-ctus and its derivatives.

On Æ and Œ

Here they are for copying and pasting: æǽœÆǼŒ. Conventions for use are as follows: Cœna, Cælum, Cœtus, Pœna.