Added si bémol to fit the typical melody used in other 5th mode RR/, however, to be reviewed in light of the altera pars beginning on si.
Melody and rsigns from LH83, unchanged in 2019, but lowered by a tone, to fit the mode and the V/ tone. This is in conformity with some MSS: LAT12044, Tol. 44.2, Klostemburg 1018, etc.
Source of neumes is SG387
Me pœnitet, transcriptio usque ad versum exclusive ad superiorem tonum emendandum est.
Bene, sed deinde, modus 5 retinetur? Vel modus 8? Quaeso, tu propositionem meam duplicare et emendare, e.g. cum "transposition tool"
LRT corrections by dcrochu.