Gregofacsimil + neumes from H + rsigns according to H. Verse from Liber Hymnarius 2019 with synthetic neumes. The LH2019 version of this piece is problematic because of formulas that have a flat si in many other pieces, but have a natural si in LH2019. We need to follow Gregofacsimil for the internal consistency of the books.
marteo - Aug. 14, 2024, 12:18 p.m.
LRT corrections by dcrochu. I did not separate the last two square notes of qlppt1vi because this is not a neumatic break, but the only notation H has for this. Dcrochu would prefer to separate the notes. (NB: g!hwij is a more frequent pattern in the solesmes books to represent qlppt1vi than g!hwi/jv which is used more often when the quilisma is episemated)