Plange quasi virgo V Accincgite

Feast: Sabbato Sancto
Office_part: re
Cantus ID: 007387
Submitter: marteo

Source: CH-SGs 391, 28
R. from the source, V. synthetic

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Gregofacsimil + neumes from H + rsigns according to H. Verse structure according to the mss that have it (a couple of german and polish ones, but none of the usual franciscan ones). The verse structure differs from Solesmes scores for this piece. Added a si flat to Gregofacsimil on VALde for disambiguation.
The bizarre ending of this R/, and the nature of the Si there, should be discussed with dcrochu - done - it is what it is; the flat si is prepared on the previous syllable, this was a mistake in GFS.
LRT corrections by dcrochu.