Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi et exaudivit

Feast: Commune unius Martyris extra T.P.
Office_part: an
Cantus ID: 005489
Submitter: marteo

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Critical melody http://omnigreg.at/wiki/doku.php?id=ant:1772 : included chord corrections to si ("et ex-") but kept the ending (sancto = do-si) despite T1 having si-la. To be reviewed.
After looking at F-PnLat 15181 and 15182 and 1090, as well as German Mss, they uniformly have "sancto" si-la. This is not coherent with the rest of A/s that have this ending, but I will follow the overwhelming consensus of the mss.
Added episema at the end of the incipit, by coherence with other AA/ of this type