How to contribute | Comment contribuer

Submit a chant restitution | Proposer une restitution d'un chant

Contributions must be provided in GABC language. Navigate to the chant's page either using the table of feasts or the index of chants. Click "Submit a proposal", and copy-and-paste the contents of your GABC file. As much as possible, try adding both episemata/puncta mora as needed, and NABC code (i.e. ancient neumes notation) if the piece is found in an adiastematic manuscript that has rhythmic indications. The current plan is to have both an episemated version of the books and a neumed version, though the neumed version will come later.

If you do not know GABC, email bry [dot] matthias [at] and he will arrange for a quick crash course.

Do not forget to look at the Style guide | code typographique and Editorial choices | Choix éditoriaux before submitting GABC code.

Les contributions aux partitions sont faites en code GABC. Naviguez jusqu'à la page du chant visé, en utilisant soit la table des jours soit l'index des chants. Cliquez sur "Submit a proposal", et copiez-collez le contenu du votre fichier GABC. Si possible, ajoutez des épisèmes/point mora là où c'est nécessaire, et du code NABC représentant les neumes anciens, si la pièce est tirée d'un manuscrit adiastématique avec indications rythmiques. Le plan actuel est d'éditer des versions épisémées et des versions neumées de chaque livre, bien que les versione neumées ne pourront être publiées que dans un deuxième temps.

Si vous ne connaissez pas GABC, écrivez à bry [dot] matthias [at], et il vous donnera un cours de base.

N'oubliez pas de jeter un œil au Style guide | code typographique et aux Editorial choices | Choix éditoriaux avant de soumettre du code GABC.

Improve the book's typography | Améliorer la typographie du livre

The book is typeset in LaTeX. You can suggest book-wide edits through a pull request on the GitHub repository.

Le livre est mis en forme en LaTeX. Vous pouvez l'améliorer via des pull requests sur le dépôt GitHub.

Audit the book's rubrical conformity | Auditer la conformité rubricale du livre

The book aims to be compliant with the state of rubrics and the calendar in both 1954 and 1962, which can be tricky at times. Beyond rubrics, chant proposals will contain many typos in their text. This should be the main focus of rubrical auditors. Corrections should be submitted as notes on the chant.

Le livre se veut compatible de l'état des rubriques et du calendrier en 1954 et en 1962, ce qui peut être délicat par endroits. Au-delà des rubriques, les partitions proposées contiendront de nombreuses fautes dans leur texte. Ceci devrait être le principal souci des auditeurs rubricaux. Les corrections doivent être signalées via des notes sur le chant.

Submit illustrations | Proposer des illustrations

Either follow the instructions relative to typography of the book, by submitting a pull-request with a high-resolution image (300dpi) along with its inclusion in the book, or e-mail bry [dot] matthias [at] to discuss it.

Suivez les instructions relatives à la typograhie, ci-dessus, en soumettant une pull request avec une image en haute définition (300dpi) et son inclusion dans le livre, ou bien écrivez à bry [dot] matthias [at] pour en discuter.

Improve the website | Améliorer le site web

This website is written in Django and Wagtail by a complete amateur and it could use some work. Submit pull requests to the relevant GitHub repository.

Contact the project lead

Feel free to shoot an email at bry [dot] matthias [at] to offer any help you might not know you can give!

Detailed restitution process

Antiphons and responsories found in the Hartker antiphonary

They have been the object of restitution work by Dominique Crochu for the past 30 years. The Gregofacsimil website that hosts them is mostly up to date but Dominique has some pending corrections on some responsories. For those, the process is as follows:

(1) transcribe the Gregofacsimil score to GABC using for instance

(2) add Hartker neumes in NABC

(3) add episemata and puncta mora according to Hartker.

Medieval antiphons and responsories not found in Hartker but present in all or almost all other Antiphonale Synopticum reference sources

(1) transcribe the critical melody from Antiphonale Synopticum to GABC using for instance

(2) add synthetic NABC and episemata to match the rhythm of the melodic formulas found in Hartker.

Medieval antiphons and responsories not found in Hartker because they were composed somewhat later and are therefore not in the earliest Antiphonale Synopticum reference sources

(1) identify manuscripts that are susceptible to have those Matins responsories, and are available online; bonus points if they are from the cathedral cursus, with local saints - the project will be extended to local feasts once we are done with the "vanilla" Roman cursus. When it comes to central-medieval pieces, the franciscan manuscripts are relatively well-indexed (CH-Fco 2, 8737, US-NYcubl 1 being available online, among others), and to avoid the franciscan bias, it would be interesting to have e.g. praemonstratensian manuscripts and cathedral manuscripts.

(2) index those manuscripts. If a contributor is not already enrolled in one of the CantusIndex member projects, they can be enrolled into MMMO which is a partner of the Nocturnale Romanum project. Training is required to use MMMO and can be requested via Matthias.

On fronts 1 and 2, pre-existing indexation efforts have given us a massive head start, but the restitution of some rarer pieces would be really improved by having more sources.

(3) establish a critical melody by comparison of the sources. Different contributors have different opinions on what the best method is here, and I won't attempt to standardize it. However, step 4 below should help standardize the result.

(4) where formulas from the antecedent repertoire are clearly recognizable in the resulting melody, but are missing e.g. a quilisma, or the first note of a short torculus (resulting in a clivis in the melody), add those back, for the internal consistency of the work.

(5) add synthetic NABC and episemata to match the rhythm of the melodic formulas found in Hartker.

(6) for responsories, preserve the original melody of the verse, if it differs markedly from the standard verse melody.

Renaissance and early modern antiphons and responsories:

(1) look for the best source that has them (that is, the source that usually best preserves the complexity of medieval melodies contained in it, so that we get the "rich" variants of modern melodies) - concretely, this is often Plantin 1773, which is very different from the medicean edition, preserving more melismas; therefore, the modern pieces found in it are easier to exploit.

(2) decompose the piece as found in this source into formulas, identify the corresponding medieval formula, and stitch those together. You end up with a centonization of medieval formulas that match the mode and general melodic outline of your modern source.

(3) add the NABC of those formulas and the corresponding episemata.

(4) for responsories, assign them standard verse melodies, unless some factor warrants otherwise.

Pieces composed after the Gregorian Chant revival

(1) look for the typical editions (some new saints had their Matins proper published by the Vaticana, often very confidentially)

(2) very prudently rectify 3rd mode pieces for recitation on Si

(3) add synthetic NABC, following the episemata of the Solesmes edition of this piece if it exists

(4) standardize their verses with the standard melodies, unless they have a proper melody

Tasks other than the restitution of music pieces

(1) seek out woodcuts, vectorize them and manually improve the vectorization to make them look sharp

(2) improve the styles, layout and general typesetting of current books (that is, do LaTeX wizardry)

(3) write the rubrics relevant to the tridentine, DA and '60 office, with respect to the different books (psalter, responsoriale, etc.)

(4) proofread with respect to the Latin language, the rubrical correctness, the typesetting, etc.